一腳踢出空氣炸裂聲響起猶如雷霆震怒仿佛一尊遠古巨神降臨人世要一腳踢斷大山???After being implanted with a microchip that gives him special powers, a dog engages a young boy in conversation and adventure. Befriended by a local police officer, the dog, the boy and his friend go on a quest to save the world by undoing the insidious plot of an evil scientist to turn all kids into mindless robots??家庭幸福但行為乖張的沖動少女阮萌過著隨心所欲不逾矩的校園生活一頭引人注目的紅發彰顯出她風風火火目空一切的性格但少女的氣焰在遇到高冷冰山學霸薛嵩時立馬崩塌臉紅心跳小鹿亂撞還未展開攻勢卻被對方一句無法直視羞辱無法直視少女熊熊的自尊心被點燃今天你對我無法直視總有一天我要你對我不可忽視 在阮萌的不懈努力下二人生活出現越來越多交集薛嵩也在相處的日常中發現阮萌之萌從最初嫌棄的無法直視變為害羞的帶點小心思的無法直視而阮萌也在較勁的過程中變成了更好的自己???