他面前一眾大妖盡皆默然??影片《北極星》講述了一位追尋繪畫藝術(shù)的單親爸爸李智輝(劉牧 飾)賣畫無人問津在事業(yè)落敗后生活變得一塌糊涂只有兒子李一航(王藝涵 飾)與他相依為命給予他最大的信念與支持憑借彼此的努力和頑強(qiáng)的意志共同戰(zhàn)勝困難奏響生命嶄新樂章的溫情故事作為一部家庭親子劇影片故事結(jié)構(gòu)十分寫實(shí)沒有激情高亢的節(jié)奏沒有華麗的辭藻依舊充滿溫暖心靈的溫情感動(dòng)而片中的中國夢(mèng)精神更是積極地向觀眾傳遞正能量正確引導(dǎo)著青少年健康成長??A story of three avid Atletico Madrid fans and three groupies of Real Madrid: each of them enjoy a moment together during the week of the Champion's League Final.?The night of the match the couples watch the game in the same bar but the outcome is not they expect!??