金燈燈火在靈光內浮浮沉沉那通向寰宇的靈光分外獨特破開虛空通向未知之地??講述了小學教員景平(于清斌飾)引見自己的女朋友千尋(李雯雯飾)和當警察的父親相見父親卻慘死茶樓千尋不知所蹤警方認定千尋就是兇手從此之后景平性情大變投身警界走遍千山萬水只為追捕千尋八年后他踏上了追擊一名江洋大盜的征途漸漸接近千尋也漸漸接近父親遇害的真相……??Ralph Anderson returns to his remote California hometown for the first time in many years. Now a lawyer, he has been estranged from his father, Lloyd, and brother, Tippy, ever since being sent to reform school as a youth for stealing a car, taking the blame for his brother's crime.Lloyd is now sheriff and Tippy his deputy. Forced to represent a wanted criminal, Ralph asks the law to look the other way while a local airfield is used to enable the mobster, Massonetti, to flee the country. A dis...??