那仿佛餓獸一般的漩渦試圖吞噬真龍??Monica teaches, Steve's a photographer. They've dated more than two years. They're arguing, and she leaves for her apartment, only to return in a few minutes to say they should stop seeing each other. A few days later, they're back together, but within two hours, he takes offense at an off-hand remark, and the separation starts in earnest. They see other people, then, out of the blue, Steve asks Monica to marry him. She says yes, and a time of ecstasy begins: they interview strangers, asking ...??某地產集團高層許德才(李夢男 飾)被迫出逃與其有曖昧關系的女老板趙冰(孫寧 飾)要求他背黑鍋給他兩個選擇:一是逃跑二是死許德才逃亡途中路遇昔日的朋友王小兵(潘斌龍 飾)借錢給女兒看病隨后王小兵被人毆打導致許德才丟了箱子他的證件和機票在箱中于是兩人開始尋找箱子就在兩人尋箱歷險中遇上了地下“交通局長”黃峰被“爹坑”萬鵬尋找公司的鮑總不但箱子沒找到王小兵的車被扣許德才的卡上錢也被騙走許德才找趙冰求助引來追殺兩人倉皇逃竄中許德才竟然發(fā)現王小兵其實與自己失散十年的女友楊珊(謝娜 飾)有聯系由此十余年的恩怨得以化解……??