九幽之門已經(jīng)被封堵他不敢有絲毫遲疑身形連忙向上升去只求盡快離開此地??影片講述了一條狗經(jīng)歷多次重生在一次次生命的輪回中尋找不同的使命最后又回到了最初的主人身邊的故事??Barbara is a very rich girl who falls in love with Norman Phiffier, a poor young man. She doesn't tell him who she really is and prepares to marry him. But, Mrs. Tuttle (Barbara's mother) doesn't want her daughter to mary such a poor man. So, she hires Norman at one of her big stores, and gives him the most difficult and disgusting works. She hopes that seeing Norman humiliated, Barbara will finally leave him. But things don't work exactly this way...??