狂暴的太陽印一擊之下幾乎生生撕裂八極大世界???Phoebe and fellow American Julian Peters meet in Rome, find a lost dog, and agree to return it to Monte Carlo to split the five thousand dollar reward. Discovering the dog's owner dead, they panic and become fugitives. Other victims of misfortune also become suspects, as the plot twists and luck and judgment desert everyone.??霍華德.斯特恩系美國著名的電臺節目主持人其風格一言以蔽之:語不驚人死不休這部根據他的自傳改編的電影從他上大學的70年代開始講起怎樣一次次戀愛失敗直到碰上成為他妻子的艾莉森進入電臺后總是拿不出精彩的節目被老板告之不是吃這行飯的材料但他鍥而不舍終于創出一個名牌——無所不談的“脫口秀"成為全美排名第一的廣播節目......???